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Accueil - Themes - Vie étudiante

Vie étudiante

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The studies are organised in 3 degrees: the licence in 3 years, the master in 2 years (the second year can be professional, research or undifferentiated) and the doctorate in 3 years. In most of the Master's degree programmes offered at the Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, a selection is made at the entrance to M1 (except for the Master's degree in law: selection in M2). 

Student associations

At the origin of fifty or more associations, are students willing to take on all issues (academics, sports, music, societal debates, acts of solidarity), defending their opinions and predilections, affirming their centers of interest, promoting their university. They create spaces of mutual help and conviviality as constructive as they are formative, where, even in the air of festivity, their core values of democracy, citizenship, justice, and creativity hold firm.

2e édition du tournoi « Panthéon-Assas Green Volley »

La deuxième édition du Panthéon-Assas Green Volley, a rencontré un grand succès. Malgré le mauvais temps annoncé, ce sont près de 275 étudiants (dont une centaine de l’université Panthéon-Assas) qui se sont affrontés au sein de 63 équipes mixtes sur la grande pelouse de la maison internationale de la Cité universitaire de Paris. Le retour de ce rendez-vous mythique s'est déroulé dans une ambiance conviviale, ouverte à tous les niveaux de jeu : du joueur débutant au plus confirmé.


Some of our teams take part in regional and national university championships at a high level: with a number of our students going on to represent France in certain competitions.

There are three levels available:

  • Beginners;
  • Proficient;
  • Competition.

All international students can take part in sport. 


Detailed information on accommodation can be found in Icône PDFthe accomodation guide.

Useful details: 


Students with special needs

The dedicated University team (Relais Handicap Santé) provides support to disabled students and students with specific learning difficulties, mental health difficulties or long term medical conditions; we aim to provide equal opportunities and equal access to education.

The unit’s missions and objectives are as follows:



The sick-bay, the Health and disability centre, the University Preventive Healthcare and Health Promotion Service (SUMPPS) as well as the members of the preventive medicine team and student social services are on hand to help you with advice, or if you need to see a doctor or a social worker, to obtain a medical certificate or if you require psychological help.

The SUMPPS allows you to :



In our most important centre lies a library that provides students with the most modern learning environment in the country. In addition to physical collections, the University also connects students to a comprehensive range of electronic resources and online access to over 35 000 books in electronic format, millions of journals and articles from top quality academic publishers. Students are able to access these resources both on and off campus so they can study at their convenience anytime, anywhere.

