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de 10h à 12h
Centre Abélard/Courtille - Amphithéâtre Abélard
rue Franc-Mûrier, 77000 Melun
Ajouter au Calendrier 11/02/2020 10:00 11/02/2020 12:00 Europe/Paris The Day Before: The 2020 US Presidential Election, Constitutional Context and Institutional Implications Current Legal Issues Centre Abélard/Courtille - Amphithéâtre Abélard
rue Franc-Mûrier, 77000 Melun
false MM/DD/YYYY
Current Legal Issues

Portrait de Hamed Djendoubi

Hamed JENDOUBI is a member of the Pôle Langues at Panthéon-Assas University, where he teaches Legal English. He has a PhD in American History -his doctoral dissertation focuses on the use of presidential signing statements by the George W. Bush Administration- and his research revolves around the American presidency, the American Constitution, and US political history. In this timely conference that will take place less than 24 hours before the American people vote to elect their president and vice-president (but also their senators, representatives, governors as well as other federal and state officials), he will discuss the constitutional questions surrounding American presidential elections in general and this one in particular, as well as the different institutional implications of a second Trump term versus those of a potential Biden presidency. At a time when the coronavirus pandemic, the ensuing economic crisis, and the turmoil around race relations following the death of George Floyd have combined to create one of the most agitated political contexts in modern American history, this conference will try to ground the conversation in more stable and perennial foundations like the American electoral process and the evolution of centuries-old institutions like the Electoral College, the presidency, Congress, and the Supreme Court while also addressing the many ways in which the current context and this particular election could shape the future of those institutions.

La conférence se déroulera en anglais.

Plan d'accès

Centre Abélard/Courtille - Amphithéâtre Abélard rue Franc-Mûrier, 77000 Melun
Adresse : Centre Abélard/Courtille, rue Franc-Mûrier 77000 Melun