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Accueil - Partnership between INA and Panthéon-Assas University

Partnership between INA and Panthéon-Assas University

Assas University
Partnership between INA and Panthéon-Assas University
INA and Paris-Panthéon-Assas University join forces to offer a leading university centre for media and communication

On 7 November, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University and the National Audiovisual Institute (INA) signed a partnership aimed at paving the way for the integration of INA as a partner institution of the University by 2024-2025. This partnership of excellence aims to educate students and professionals and to enable researchers to develop new knowledge in a key area.

Recent changes in the way people relate to the media and information are forcing key stakeholders in the field of higher education and research to continually adapt in order to provide tomorrow's professionals with the skills and tools required for their future careers. With this in mind, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, through its information-communication department and its partner institutions (the CFJ and the École W), and the INA have joined forces to create a leading university centre in France in this field.

The association with INA stems from the desire to bring our institution closer to the professional world. By signing this agreement, the University is confirming its position as a leading national and international player in the field of media and communication.” (Stéphane BRACONNIER, President of Paris-Panthéon-Assas University).

The two institutions plan to pool resources to develop new courses, improve professional integration, enhance student life and enrich research activities.

They will develop joint courses, which will promote equal opportunities and improve civic life, by involving lecturers from both institutions which will cover key areas for now and the future : information and communication technologies, editing, production and distribution of audiovisual content.

Furthermore, by implementing research programmes with a strong international outlook, they will develop joint productions such as scientific publications and audiovisual content, encourage the creation of patents, develop applications and promote the creation of companies.

This partnership represents a unique opportunity for INA, for INA sup students and for its researchers : there will be greater access to the university world, and a prospect of making new contacts as well as of mutually enriching knowledge. All this will be consolidated from 2024-2025 by the INA's full inclusion in the future enlarged Paris-Panthéon-Assas University.” (Laurent VALLET, President and CEO of the INA).

convention entre l'ina et l'universite nov 2022