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Accueil - Alternative finance : the sustainable finance's tools (ALT)

Alternative finance : the sustainable finance's tools (ALT)

Code interne : (ALT)
Responsable(s) :
Programme de cours :

(mars 2022)




Sustainable Enterprise  (M2-S1)


Brief overview

In this course, we examine whether businesses can credibly contribute to the shift towards a more sustainable future. In particular, we analyze the economic and legal challenges that arise when firms invest more/only resources in sustainable and socially responsible endeavors.

Here is a sampling of the questions we will address:

  • What are the drivers and challenges of adopting sustainability strategies for the traditional/commercial enterprises?
  • Are social enterprises (enterprises with a social mission at their core) better at delivering inclusion and social innovation?
  • What are the existing toolkits to evaluate the social impact of the organization and to map out the diverse interests of stakeholders?



1. Introduction: the moral economy

2. Socially Responsible Behavior: definition and key drivers

3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): foundation and taxonomy

4. Corporate Social Performance

5. Social entrepreneurship (SE): definition and key drivers

6. Social entrepreneurship: legal form

7. CSR vs. SE