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Accueil - Research - Research centres - Paris Institute of Criminology and Criminal Law (ICP)

Paris Institute of Criminology and Criminal Law (ICP)

Paris Institute of Criminology and Criminal Law (ICP)
EA 161
Address : 12 place du Panthéon
75005 Paris
esc K, 4e étage
Telephone : +33 (0)1 44 41 55 82
Telecopie : +33 (0)1 44 41 55 79

The Paris Institute of Criminology and Criminal Law is the oldest laboratory of criminal law and criminology in France. It represents the French national scientific section of the Messine-Intercenter, an advisory body to the United Nations and the Council of Europe.

Studies carried out by the Paris Institute of Criminology and Criminal Law focus on the following topics:

  • recidivism and minimum sentences,
  • prison environment and prisoner rights,
  • sentences and prison therapies,
  • criminal responsibility and medical ethics,
  • victimology.

The Paris Institute of Criminology and Criminal Law organises numerous events and produces several publications:

  • The "day events" organised by the Institute and Round Tables are symposiums open to the public, the date of which is posted and whose work is published.
  • "Questions judiciaires" (Legal questions), collection of works compiled by Frédéric Debove.
  • "Essais de philosophie pénale et de criminologie" (Essays on criminal philosophy and criminology), compiled by Philippe Conte and Stamatios Tzitzis, published by Éditions Dalloz.

The Institute disposes of a library.