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French Directory of International Law (AFDI)

French Directory of International Law (AFDI)
Address : Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas
Esc J 1er étage 12 place du Panthéon
75005 PARIS

The French Directory of International Law was created in 1955 by Professor Suzanne BASTID, in response to the visions of the French Group of Former Auditors of The Hague Academy of International Law.

AFDI is one of two French periodicals exclusively dedicated to international law, and the only one to diligently chronicle, as systematically as possible, events occurring each year within its field of competence. It has thus become an indispensable work tool for each and every internationalist who can read French, who finds all the documentation and references relating to the corresponding year in each respective volume.

Each issue of the Directory therefore contains, as well as synthesis studies independent of current events:

  • a series of articles on legal events meriting an analysis and detailed comments (state practices, activities of the main jurisdictions and international organisations);
  • topical chronicles of current international legal issues in areas that can be quickly identified;
  • a collection, without match in French, of systematic chronicles of information on international legal questions of interest to France (international conventions signed by France, domestic jurisprudence concerning international law, national practices);
  • bibliographical lists based on a strict topical classification that facilitates regular consultation.

The French Directory of International Law is on line at the Persée Portal starting at Volume I (1955), each volume subsequently appearing on line three years after its paper publication. Consultation of Persée is open and free at: